Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 20th, and Tuesday, November 21st. You are invited and encouraged to visit the building with your child to meet with teachers.
Times available for conferences are as follows:
Monday, November 20th 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 21st 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
We will continue to utilize our online registration format for scheduling your conferences called PTC Fast. To login to the scheduling platform, follow these steps:
1. Go to the crestviewknights.com homepage.
2. Click on Parent Resources.
3. Under the Parent-Teacher Conferences, click on Middle School-High School or Elementary.
4. Select the teacher(s) with whom you would like to conference; submit the teacher(s) selected.
5. Enter the student’s name, the parent’s name, and the parent’s email address on the registration that appears and submit.
6. An email will be sent to the parent’s email address. This email will contain a link stating, “Click here to select conference time”. This will show side-by-side schedules of each teacher with whom you wish to schedule a conference. (Please note: If you do not receive an email within a timely manner, check your junk mail or allow emails from www.PTCFast.com.)
7. Click on a time block that says “Available” for each teacher with whom you want to conference selecting the time that works best for you. Double check your selections. 8. Scroll to the bottom; click “confirm selections”.
9. Upon completion, a confirmation email will be sent to you with your Professional Team Conference schedule.
The Middle/High School and Elementary are on separate platforms. However, if you wish to schedule multiple students within one of these schools, you can do so. All
elementary students will be scheduled under the elementary tab and all MS/HS students will be scheduled under the MS/HS tab.
For scheduling multiple students within MS/HS:
For scheduling multiple students in the MS/HS, make sure you select ALL of the teachers with whom you want to conference (step 4) and then select, “these are for more than one student”. Enter the students’ names associated with the teachers listed, complete your information, and submit. Click on the link in the email you receive that will show the available times for ALL of the conferences you selected. Make the selections for EACH child. If at any point you need to add another teacher or another student to the conference schedule, click on the appropriate link on the left side of the screen.
The online conference scheduler will open on Monday, October 30th and close on Friday, November 17th at the end of the day. If you wish to make appointments after this time, you will need to call the school office on Monday, November 20th.
If you are having problems registering, getting emails or do not have internet access, you can call 419-749-9100, ext. 6000, or stop in the Student Services office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to arrange your conferences by Friday, Nov 17th. You may also email your requests to [email protected] (Stacey Crowle, Student Services Secretary).